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We make plans to get together with friends and plans to go away on vacation, but many of us delay making plans for our care as we age. 这样一个重要的问题似乎是一个势不可挡的前景,但事实并非如此.

Consulting with an experienced estate attorney can help you get organized, 确定你的目标, 为未来做好准备. 无论你是需要多年的长期护理还是已经有一个亲人在护理机构, 有一些策略和工具可以实施,以帮助保护资产免受此类护理的高成本影响.


我们新奥尔巴尼的资产保护律师在 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 你是否有效地指导过很多人完成遗产规划. 当你准备好讨论为你和你的家庭制定这样的策略时,我们在这里为你bet9九州体育登录.

我们理解这些话题的敏感性,并致力于为我们的每一位客户提供个人关注. While asset planning may not be easy to talk about, 我们鼓励您坦率地说出您的愿望,这样我们就可以一起制定出控制未来医疗挑战的最佳路线.

We want to be the advisors that you trust to find solutions. We are committed 帮助ing you quickly and as affordably as possible. We will represent you and ensure that your wishes are followed through.

讨论你的情况和选择, bet9九州体育登录线路 our office by calling (812) 725-8224 or filling out our online form.

How Our 新奥尔巴尼资产保护律师s Can Help

我们可以提供资产保护策略. 每个州的资产保护法都有一些灰色地带. In an effort 帮助 clients work within the laws, a wide variety of asset protections strategies have been put into use. We help you determine which strategy is best for your situation.

确定最佳策略, 我们考虑了你的经济状况, 因为这对你的资产有直接的影响. 当你检查你的财务状况时, 我们审查哪些属性可以被保护, 转移, 还被起诉了. 这就是为什么对整个情况和未来可能发生的任何诉讼诚实是至关重要的. 如果我们不了解你现在和未来的潜在情况, our asset protection lawyers cannot implement the right protection strategies.



资产保护律师可能会建议, 如果你是一个企业主, that you create a limited liability company (LLC). 创建有限责任公司可以保护个人资产免受诉讼或债权人可能试图利用你的业务. 创建有限责任公司有一些限制,因为它为企业及其所有者创建了一个独立的身份.

然而,你仍然要对公司可能发生的任何债务负责,包括破产. The good news is these debts won’t impact your personal account or family home. 如果有人对你的公司提出索赔,你所有的个人资产都受到保护.


资产保护律师可能会建议使用责任保险作为防线. This insurance protects the buyer from lawsuit liabilities. If this isn’t something you al准备好了 have, we will absolutely recommend it. Liability insurance is a strategy that can be used for homes and businesses.


新奥尔巴尼(新奥尔巴尼)资产保护律师可能会推荐的另一个策略是,最大限度地提高你对退休账户的贡献, 养老金计划, 等. This is a smart way to shield your assets from potential lawsuits and 债权人. 当你把钱存入这些账户时, 它不受联邦雇员退休收入保障法(ERISA)法律的诉讼或法院判决的影响.


The cost of long-term care depends on variables including location, 供应商使用, 以及所需护理的类型和持续时间. 例如, 一些护理机构有包罗一切的费用, while others charge extra for services that go beyond the basic amenities. Health aides who make home visits are generally more expensive in the evening, 在周末, 在假期里.

根据 美国老龄问题委员会, here are the costs you could expect to pay statewide in 印第安纳州:

  • $235 per day or $85,775 per year for a semiprivate room in a nursing home
  • $279 per day or $101,835 per year for a private room in a nursing home
  • $3,693 per month for care in an assisted living facility (for a one-bedroom unit)
  • 家庭健康助理每小时20美元
  • 家政bet9九州体育登录每小时19美元
  • $80 per day for services in an adult day healthcare center.

Statewide long-term care costs in 肯塔基州 are estimated at:

  • $241 per day or $87,965 per year for a semiprivate room in a nursing home
  • $265 per day or $95,265 per year for a private room in a nursing home.


No matter what your age or what state you live in, 你可以从做出明智的决定中受益,如何最好地保持你的独立性, 你的家, 还有你的积蓄. 一旦你超过65岁, 你可以申请医疗补助, a benefits program jointly administered by the federal government and the states. 医疗补助计划只针对那些达到一定收入和资产水平的人,帮助支付养老院的护理费用.

在医疗补助制度的诸多复杂性中,要跟上所有的变化,包括允许的金额, 每年都有变化. The “lookback rule” is one of the reasons it’s important to plan ahead. 在这个规则下, 如果进入养老院的人在他或她申请医疗补助福利之前的60个月内以低于公平市场价值的价格转让资产,则可能被拒绝获得医疗补助.

无论您是单身还是已婚的医疗补助申请人,都要对您的资源进行评估. 对于已婚夫妇来说, whether an account is in your name or a spouse’s name, 你所有的非免税资产都加起来了. This amount is then used to determine the “spousal share,” the amount the government will allow the at home spouse to keep. If the applicant’s resources or income are one penny too high, the applicant will not receive Medicaid benefits.

在教堂,兰登·洛普 & Banet, we use the Medicaid rules for your advantage. 通常,对于有配偶的已婚夫妇,我们可以保留几乎100%的资源. 对于一个申请医疗补助的人来说,我们通常可以节省至少一半的资源. Remember, half of something is better than all of nothing. If that single Medicaid applicant has been proactive, we can often preserve even more of his/her resources. 因此,计划永远不会太早.


If you don’t have legal contracts and procedures in place, you are risking the possibility of losing your assets to 债权人. 作为持牌专业人士, 我们可以帮助您起草这些协议,并确保您遵循正确的程序来保护资产安全. When you have a well-crafted and thought-out asset protection plan, it is a great tool to use to protect yourself and your assets. 一个熟练的资产保护律师可以利用它作为杠杆来说服债权人在需要的时候庭外和解. 即使债权人试图通过你的计划,并花费了漫长的审判费用, 这个计划可以保护你.



  • Which States Allow Asset Protection Trusts to Be Created?

    有些州允许创建国内资产保护信托. 这些州是阿拉斯加, 特拉华州, 夏威夷, 密苏里州, 内华达, 新汉普郡, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 罗德岛州, 南达科塔州, 田纳西州, 犹他州, 弗吉尼亚州和怀俄明州.

  • Should I Consider Creating an Asset Protection Trust?

    如果你从事的是高风险的职业, 比如医生, 而且很富有, you may want to consider creating an asset protection trust. A trust can help protect your assets from being a target to 债权人. 你的净资产也可能使你成为目标. In some cases, individuals use an asset protection agreement.

  • Are There Tax Implications to Creating an Asset Protection Trust?

    在某些情况下,资产保护信托可以减少或消除国家所得税的纳税义务. 当资产保护信托到位时,它可以从授予人的遗产中移除资产. 即使资产是出于纳税目的而转移的, the grantor is still able to benefit from the assets in the trust.



将资产直接转移给家庭成员或为了申请人的利益而转移给信托都有利弊. 例如, an outright transfer is subject to the whims of human nature. 这是, you could end up having a bad relationship with the child you gave your assets to, or your assets could be swallowed up by that child’s divorce, 破产, 债权人, 不良投资, 或者消费习惯.

另一方面, 你不能使用信托中的钱,受托人不能有任何自由裁量权来分配信托本金给你, or else the principal will be considered a resource for Medicaid purposes.

然而,为了有资格获得医疗补助养老院福利而调整自己的资产并不违法, 出于这个原因隐藏资产是犯罪行为. 不确定有什么区别? 咨询资深律师或遗产律师,他们可以在法律范围内为你提供建议.

Contact a 新奥尔巴尼资产保护律师 at CLLB Today

无论你的处境如何,无论你对未来的希望如何, 新奥尔巴尼号, 教会的资产保护律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law可以提供帮助. We understand the issues and can guide you through the planning process. We will work closely with you and help you make the best decisions possible.

We have worked with many families, and we look forward to working with yours. 为熟练和知识渊博的代表, bet9九州体育登录线路 us by calling (812) 286-2735 or filling out our online form.

总部设在新奥尔巴尼, 印第安纳州, we proudly serve communities throughout Kentuckiana including, 但不限于, 杰斐逊县(肯塔基州), 弗洛伊德县(印第安纳州), 克拉克县(德州), 哈里森县(IN).


“非常好,非常专业,对该地区的法律、法院和法官都非常了解! They made me feel comfortable and made everything easy for me. 加里和他的员工让我惊叹不已!!!——Poppy Cobb (b谷歌评论)


Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve 兰登 is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


Gary is licensed to practice law in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州. 他专注于遗产规划, 遗产及信托管理, 遗产及信托诉讼, 监护, 老年人法和特殊需求规划. 加里赢得了他的J。.D. 来自路易斯维尔大学,路易斯D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & 库姆斯. [ 律师生物 ]




